We’re (re)visiting a few of the basics in these upcoming posts — the fundamental pieces that come together to form a cohesive, informed voice. It might be a little rudimentary, but isn’t it nice to revisit those basics from time to time? Take a quick coast through marketing 101 with us!
The brand
It’s hard to conjure up just how important a visual identity is. Our brains house countless records of little icons; it’s known that a child too young to read can still understand the meaning of a rather lengthy list of corporate logos they are confronted with. This points to the simple fact that this visual identifying system is much more profound and lasting than a business name or tagline. A nicely designed graphic will fuse a business’ principles with a functional and visually interesting graphic. And in using this and using it often, you will develop snap recognition and a reputation without ever saying a word. It’s that powerful.
One might say that the brand is the very bedrock. Investing in a nicely sculpted logo is key. Yes; you could easily spend a small amount of money on a poorly designed logo but think about how one might perceive it. If you opt to take the cheap route initially, you will ultimately need to reconsider a brand redesign later on. Save yourself the cash (and hassle) in the long run and hire a reputable designer from the get-go. Your brand design needs to be something unique, targeted and specific to your business which makes this process one of the most complex projects our studio specializes in. Distilling that sought after feeling and creating a visual representation is a wondrous challenge!
Next month, we’ll pick this up where we left off. And in the meantime, be sure to give us a shout — we always like hearing from you.